McClure’s – Grandma’s Secret

  • February 22nd, 2012
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A lot of people just say that Grandmother knows best. When it comes to the McClure’s grandma, Lala – she really did know best. It started with her and her pickle recipe that (jokingly) brought Mike to marry into the family. Jennifer, the pickle-recipe-torchbearer has her way with canning as well – winning top prize at a 70’s state fair as a child. It was in 2006 though that Mother McClure pulled out the famous recipe and from then on their small kitchen cranked out some tasty pickles. McClure’s Pickles are hard to ignore.

We love us some pickles. But where we think the McClure’s name really shines – is in their bloody mary mix. We mix or own bloody mary’s at the store, and we use a nice helping of our own pickle brine. We think that is why we are so drawn to their blend. It’s got all those normal ingredients that you’d expect, but it’s the heavy helping of their wonderful pickle brine. It’s slaty of course, but a touch sweet and enough sour vinegar punch to want to make you go back for more. Sure we make our own pickles and have other bloody mary mix, but we thought their bloody mix, pickles, and chips are so dang gone tasty we couldn’t help but put them up in addition to our own tasty cuts.

Stop in and pick up a jar of their pickles and slap them on a sandwich (the pickle chips are incredible), buy a jar of ours and hold a pickle tasting. Go for the McClure’s Bloody Mary mix – it will do well on your shelf, it deserve a spot on ours.

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