Bron’s Bees – Honey to buzz about

Bron’s Bees is an outstanding honey from the Illinois prairie land.

What makes this honey special?

Well, first it’s from our fantastic state of Illinois. This is real bee honey, not honey flavored sugar syrup or sugar mixed with honey in a strange tasting concoction poured into small plastic tubs and placed in eateries across the country. No, this is pure unadulterated honey, collected by our area’s hardworking bees. The folk’s over at Bron’s Bees (part of Heritage Prairie Farm & Market  in Elburn, IL) know their way around a honey comb. We love the cinnamon infused for our tea or by the spoonful – this honey is the ideal sweetener; or the chocolate infused for drizzling on top of ice cream or deserts; or just the raw Bron’s for anything from a sugar substitute to a spread on toast. The taste of the honey is pure and fresh. There is something about these honeys you can’t get in big box stores – its rich in flavor, darker and more viscous – Bron’s is some of our favorite honey we’ve had.

Who makes the honey?

Well the bees make the honey, but those farms involved and the folks at Bron’s extract the honey from the combs and bottle it for use in your home! They even hold classes teaching the lost art of bee keeping. They are dedicated to their bees and the honey they produce, and it shows.

But I only use honey on bread…

Well, we’ve got ideas. Put honey in your tea (either cold or hot) instead of sugar. Use honey instead of sugar subtitle in your recipes, it’s better for you and packed full of natural antioxidants. Pour Bron’s chocolate infused honey over vanilla ice cream for a tasty topping without all the over sugared chocolate syrup. We like the cinnamon infused honey by the spoon full, it has an amazing flavor punch of cinnamon with the mellow flavor of their pure honey. Put out a small container of any of the honeys for dipping fruit in for kids. There is endless possibilities and each one more tasty than the last.

Where can I get Bron’s?

Right here on our shelf. We carry the raw, chocolate infused, and cinnamon infused honeys – each great and ready to pour, spread, and nibble their way to your home. Pick one up and start enjoying what real honey tastes like.

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