Cinnamon butter – Whipp’n it up

In the grand land of tasty things, butter is usually ranked in the top three. There would not be a lot of our favorite recipes without it’s ever present existence in our meals. It sits a top foods, mixed in, used to fry, grill, added into this, used in cookies, to make chicken, the full spectrum of meals. Butter is the bacon of dairy, everything is better with it. This is here our Cinnamon butter walks in.

Our Cinnamon butter is the melty dollop that is mostly seen on our bread pudding pancakes, but you can take some home to tower above your own stack of pancakes, or add jazz up toast,  put some on a steak… we,ll almost anything – experiment! Available in our cooler anytime the sweet taste of cinnamon butter and sugar strikes you.

1 Comment
  1. Lalaine - May 16, 2011

    Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brigethned my day!


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