Salted Caramel Carousel Cookies – A Savory Delight

Lately, is seems we cannot get enough of Salted Caramel. This time around we’ve picked up their Carousel Cookies. They are the cookie-answer to those who just can’t get enough savory. Oatmeal crunchiness, with smooth cheddar flavors with nibs of dried fruit. Salted Caramel Carousel Cookies melt together some of the best flavors that we never knew we missed in a dessert. They move the spotlight away from the sweet-tooth, draw our laser-like focus off of chocolate, and bring to us a whole fantastically flavored world of savory cookies. These are one ride we’d gladly take over and over again.

Pick up a bag of their Cheddar, Oatmeal, & Dried fruit Carousel Cookies off our shelf, they’re what your taste buds have always been missing.

  1. Paul Mueller - September 22, 2013

    Just wondering if someone can order your Carousel Cookies online. We visit your place every time we go to Chicago but would like to order the cookies for our friends.

    • jake - September 22, 2013

      Hey Paul, easiest way would be to order direct from Salted Caramel. Thanks for the love, we can’t wait to have you back in!

  2. sue - December 9, 2013

    these cookies are not on the website. where can they be ordered?


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