Chalet Suzette – Cool Soups for Warm Days

  • September 13th, 2012
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Chalet Suzette has been on our shelves as a dark horse of super tasty soups. They are inconspicuous in their subtle labeling and simple looks. But open a can and you’ll be floored by just how tasty these soups are. Admittedly, we’re a touch behind getting this post up – summer is a bit crazy, but we couldn’t think of anything better to spoon up while the last fleeting days of summer seemingly scoot across the lake. Both the Gazpacho and Vichyssoise make the perfect soup starter-course for any warm weather munch-up, either the lovely tomato base for a bit of an acidic coolness or the starchy blendings of potato and leeks make the day seem just that much better. We were pointed to these flavors by a customer interested in picking some up and thought they’d be ideal for the long dog days of summer – and boy were they.

So draw up a chair, pop the top on these fantastic soups and savor the last seconds of a warm day in the sun. Available on our shelves to enjoy at home or the beach.

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