Quince & Apple – Channeling Greatness

  • October 10th, 2012
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At fancy parties like weddings and nights out, as kids, we drank these mythical pinkish sodas named after a before-our-time child actor; a mix between some kind of deep red ooze and bubbly water and usually came garnished, which that made us feel like a grown up. They stuck in our minds, these kiddy-cocktail dreams, harking back to full dance floors, your brother’s birthday party at Medieval Times, and bowling ally lock-ins. Eventually it’s learned that the base of this soda-jerk style drink is grenadine. But it is when we pulled a sip from a drink made with Quince & Apple‘s Tart Cherry Grenadine, it was as if those memories were not lost but heightened.

Thing is, we’ve grown up and that means our tastes have too – which doesn’t mean we don’t love what we once did, but we like to enjoy something locally made, small batch, and full of flavor. Quince & Apple doesn’t relinquish the emotional weight of the phantom grip grenadine seems to have on our psyche. No, they embrace it and bring new hope and life to the lost and forgotten parts of our brain by creating a syrup with just two simple ingredients: local Wisconsin tart cherries and sugar. We can only just try to understand their wizardry and mastery of simply boiling and smelting up sugar with some local cherries into this mystifying syrup. Their passion for getting it ‘right’ and making the best possible products are obvious upon consumption, it’s perfect for the kids in just soda water or made for a grown-up with some fine spirits and bubbly water as well. It’s perfect in it’s way, being the connection of days of yore and today.

We’re in love with Quince & Apple – their work in creating the new all while fostering old memories, culminating from a simple bottle of syrup has us crushing pretty hard. Grab a bottle off our shelf and enjoy for yourself.

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