Z Confections – Born Into Sweetness

  • June 22nd, 2013
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Z Confections Caramel CornThere are those who seem to just start with a wooden spoon in their hand, natural born bakers. Technically, we think, in Matthew’s case it was a whisk. Growing up in New York City, he saw his uncle working with all the other commercial bakers creating a myriad of sweets. It was in the busy hustle of that cathedral of flour, butter and sugar – that he saw his future. From his mother’s kitchen he gained a lifelong love of whipped things, chocolate coated wonders, and sweet sauces. She even pushed him to sell some of them, but life seemed to always get in the way. He never lost sight of his dream and in 2010, he applied at the ultra-famous Magnolia Bakery at their LA location and landed a job. From there he cut his teeth at pastry school, panging to join the ranks of the confectionary celebrated. Graduation and a short stint here and there he gave making his own goods a go. After a load of trial and error, a crazy-good salted caramel popcorn was thrust forth and Z Confections was founded.

One bite is all it takes: a nibble of handmade salted caramel slathered across soft and squishy popcorn. The rich buttery caramel with the splash of salt is like angel wings fluttering across the palate, thanks to the magic of cookery – no two caramels are the same and this one is pretty fantastic. When Z Confections adds cinnamon to party, it’s like the caramel was made for it. It’s hard to put our finger on, but we just cannot stop as soon as the bag is cracked; ‘just one more’ always turns into turning the bag open over to lap up the crumbs.

Get your bag of these hand-made salted caramel corn pops of sweet retreat. Love Z Confections? Want to tell those on the fence to dive in? Leave a comment below!

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