Dinner in Words – Tomato Salad

  • August 20th, 2013
  • Comments Off on Dinner in Words – Tomato Salad

With our back patio garden ripening up, it was just about impossible to ignore the small orbs of bright reds against the stretching bent arms of the plants they lie in.
supper tomato salad
Pictured above, is a creation birthed from the eaves of summer; our tomato salad brings the best of summer’s late gifts: besides the patio-grown tomatoes plucked for supper (supplementing locally grown when/if necessary), we snap up carrot tops for a deep green pesto with hints of earthiness and slices of Nordic Creamery‘s sheep’s milk feta for that final splash of grassy punch played up. All creates a salad with a whole host of summer goodness in these roasted days of late heat.

Pull up a chair and we’ll harvest the tomatoes for this ‘last taste of sun.’

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