Bomba XXX – Rated For Saucy

  • October 7th, 2013
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Bomba_Here is the situation: It’s forty minutes before your significant other gets home, they had a terrible day, and it’s your turn to make dinner. Solution: whip up a meal that tasted like you’ve been planning it all day. How? Bomba XXX.

See, when you’ve got the chops like Laura Santtini (creator of the ever-stellar Taste 5 paste) the next step in blowing people’s minds is another sauce. One look at the packaging though this isn’t ‘just another’ sauce, it’s a combination of super-concentrated tomato paste with all of italian fixins (including wine) to take your bowl of pasta from ‘evening meal’ to date night in the heart of tuscany. It’s like boxing up and shipping the pasta from that winery the two of you loved so much. So when s/he comes home from that long day of work, you can strip that ‘I hope they like it’ face off for a ‘prepare yourself’ smirk.

But don’t squander this amazing puree on just squeezing the tube into pasta sauce, give it a go in some fresh cream cheese perfect for snacking with small carrots, and plunging in crackers. Mix into mayo, for a sonoma sammy, or spread a super-thin layer in a grilled cheese for a transcendent lunch. We like it in a beefy pot pie, stirred into our layering lasagna sauce, or to power up our homemade pizza. It’s really a tube of exploration into the depths of flavor provided by the flavors of love and Italy.

Pick up a tube and dive in to the deep depths of your italian imagination, let it run wild with romanticism. Have a great idea how to use it, want to say how much you love Bomba XXX? Drop us a line below!

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