Urban Accents Fall Flavors – Gather ‘Round Some Warmth

  • November 22nd, 2013
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Urban Accents NEWSure the leaves have pretty much all dropped, but those delicious fall flavors are still just as tasty as ever. With winter’s grip bearing down on us there couldn’t be a better time to pull out some amazing goodness from Urban Accents.

Added to their lineup recently, a cube of Harvest Maple and Sage that makes pork chops sing a sweet country song, dressed on sweet potatoes that make for easy punches of flavor, or can be added to meatballs for a blend of sweet and savory great with breakfast, lunch or dinner. A great idea for those potluck meals, simple and can easily be knocked out just in time, as well as a wonderful easy-out surprise guest food. For another surprise, pull a bag of Urban Accents’ Ginger Carrot Cake flapjack mix and plow through them for dessert. Think of everything you love about pancakes and carrot cake and blend them with a hint of ginger. So tasty with cream cheese glaze that it’s hard describe, perfectly great with syrup for that special Sunday morning. Add chopped walnuts or keep them simple, either way you’ve got to take a bite of these.

Thankfully Urban Accents has alloted us a share to make available to our folks. Get a cube and a bag of fall personified, only regrets you’ll have is you didn’t pick up more.

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