Our Goods at Hot Dougs – On Top of The [encased] World

Our Goods at Hot Dougs – On Top of The [encased] World
  • June 30th, 2014
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We’ve been kicking up our preservation efforts and started rolling out to wholesale. For our first accounts we wanted to go big and thought of our beloved encased meat purveyor: Doug.

Ever the culinary wayfarer, he was ecstatic to start working with us, and of course we were humbled honored and needed to plan a trip. In the ever ebbing Hot Doug‘s menu, it was a quick-moving target we had to hit and were greeted with a lovely plethora of meaty-goodness. Much to our sorrow, Doug announced his closing just days before our arrival, but we headed on – filling out hearts with knowing we still had time to get our fill. And so, on a rainy May day, we lined up and got to waiting.


Once inside we found it, in the lower right corner of the specials: “Smoked Onion Marmalade.” We had missed the boat of the mustardo de fruitta addition to Doug’s menu, but we’d dare not miss our Good Food Award winning marmalade atop an encased meat creation. Always at the helm, Doug took our order – just like everyone else’s – with a massive genuine smile and sincerity.


The SPG featured sausage – Smoked Texas Pork Hot Link with Ancho Pepper Mayo, Garlic-Cheddar Cheese Spread & Smoked Onion Marmalade. Simply put, wonderfully balanced; between sweet, smoky, meaty, creamy and a bit of cheese – there was nothing not to love. Of course, that perfection is par for the course for Doug.


Get in while he’s still bringing the goods to our lovely city, and keep an eye on Hot Doug’s upcoming menus, you may see a touch or two from us!

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