August’s Secret Supper in Review

August’s Secret Supper in Review
  • August 25th, 2016
  • Comments Off on August’s Secret Supper in Review

Have you been to Secret Supper at Southport Grocery? If not, think of it as an underground dinner – it’s a new menu every month, completely separate from our usual offering, and our newsletter subscribers are the first to get the details. The other exciting part is that you won’t know what’s on the menu until you get here on the night. It’s a great opportunity for us to get really creative in the kitchen! Take a peak at last week’s Secret Supper menu, created by our talented chefs Tanner and Joe (pictured above). Warning: this will make you hungry!


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Scallops with fresh corn and lime

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Chilled cucumber, tomato and watermelon soup with savory oatmeal streusel

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Rib eye with polenta, heirloom tomatoes and fennel (on a beautiful evening!)


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Blueberry & raspberry cheesecake


Let’s take a few steps backwards shall we? The day of secret supper is always a flurry of delicious smells and excitement as ingredients arrive and everything gets carefully prepared in our kitchen. This time around, we even had some beautiful produce from the Low Line Market, right down the street from us at the Southport CTA station.


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Basil for the house made basil oil on the chilled soup

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Check out that rib eye! That’s one hunk of meat!

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Fresh and roasted tomatoes and cucumbers

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Raspberries from the Low Line market

This Secret Supper was a particularly tasty one! Make sure to sign up for our newsletter so that you get the invite to next month’s event. You’ll find the sign up box towards the top left of our homepage at:



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