Posts Tagged ‘coffee’

Our new coffee overlords: Metropolis

A wise man once said “the times they are a-changin’.” Sure, he meant the greater social structure of America and the world at large, but I thought I’d marginalize his...

Jo Snow – Syrups for all seasons

In world where coffee shops slop in copious amounts of over sugared versions of vanilla or cinnamon, there is a maker of syrups slaying the dragon of over-sweet: Jo Snow....

  • September 20th, 2010
  • lisa
  • Comments Off on Christine’s Toffee – Munch Wisconsin’s best toffee

Christine’s Toffee – Munch Wisconsin’s best toffee

Toffee toffee everywhere. It seems like you can’t go two feet without kicking a box full of toffee. We are swimming in toffee on our way to work and home....

  • February 15th, 2010
  • lisa
  • Comments Off on 8 Weeks of Winter Wonder: Week 7

8 Weeks of Winter Wonder: Week 7

Our ‘8 weeks’ are almost over but we’re still going strong. This week we’re warming you up with a cup of hot, your choice. All of our to-go hot drinks...

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