- March 27th, 2014
- lisa
- Comments Off on Pirro’s New Sauce – Pretty Boss
We’ve been close followers of Pirro’s since we picked them up last year. Now they’ve pushed out a couple of new pasta sauces that are as good if not better...
- December 11th, 2012
- lisa
- Comments Off on eSutras Flavored Agave – Sweet Tasty Fun
From the mashing up of fourteen year old plants comes a sweetener that dissipates as fast as simple sugar in drinks, like needy cocktails, or as a sugar substitute in...
- June 7th, 2012
- lisa
Not exactly ‘sugar,’ this bag of brown goodness is the culmination of over 500 years of hard work and labor put in by the Mexican peoples. The artistry and back-breaking...
- January 27th, 2012
- lisa
- Comments Off on Ethereal Confections Chocolate Bars – Beautifully Delicious
On a side street tucked into a shop off the square of a small town, closer to the Wisconsin boarder than to Chicago, a confectionary churns out magically tasty and stunningly beautiful...
- December 15th, 2010
- lisa
- 1 Comment
A wise man once said “the times they are a-changin’.” Sure, he meant the greater social structure of America and the world at large, but I thought I’d marginalize his...
- September 20th, 2010
- lisa
- Comments Off on Christine’s Toffee – Munch Wisconsin’s best toffee
Toffee toffee everywhere. It seems like you can’t go two feet without kicking a box full of toffee. We are swimming in toffee on our way to work and home....
- September 14th, 2010
- lisa
In a world where a good ice cream is discovered by following the stars when the planets align and then you are forced to hark into a wooded beach front where then...